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Home >  News & Topics >  Recycling of Electronic Waste (e-waste)"Introduction of SDG Ambassador Activities"

Recycling of Electronic Waste (e-waste)"Introduction of SDG Ambassador Activities"

SDG 12, Target 12.5

Recycling of Electronic Waste (e-waste)

Summary We focused on SDG No.12, "Responsible Consumption and Production." The amount of electronic waste is increasing as the sales of the latest electronic devices, one after another, increase. In developing countries, the failure to properly dispose of electronic waste causes various problems, such as the generation of harmful substances and the worsening of global warming. Many people sell the metals they get from electronic waste dump sites and earn a small amount of money. They are also suffering from the harmful substances produced by burning electronic garbage. Japan’s problem is exporting e-waste to Asian countries. Japan exports e-waste to Asian companies as secondhand goods, which causes
a global problem. The amount of e-waste exported to Asian countries remains high level.
On the other hand, this problem has yet to be well known. To solve this problem, we must know the proper domestic recycling method. Companies in Japan, like Docomo and ReNet, collect many kinds of appliances to recycle. There are some different points among companies, but we can recycle more quickly than expected. Through this project, we realized it is easy to recycle e-waste.
Year/month April 2023- July 2023
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ReNet.jp Docomo