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Master's Course

The Master's Course covers six research areas, as well as a special clinical-oriented curriculum for Certified Nurse Specialist qualifications and a post-graduate training course for midwives which was established in 2008 in order to extend research and training in Midwifery.

Educational Objectives
To develop the requisite research and practical skills for actively tackling problems and issues in the field.

Admission Policy
Eligibility criteria for candidates:
【Master's Program】
  • Those possessing rich humanity, a flexible attitude, sensitivity to needs, and high ethical standards
  • Those feeling a sense of fulfillment and mission in supporting the healthy life of people, using advanced nursing practice skills
  • Those willing to assume leadership roles, and who can appropriately solve practical problems based on the knowledge that they have acquired in graduate school
  • Those willing to promote team medicine through interprofessional collaboration, based on the broad knowledge and analytical skills, which they have acquired
  • Those who are highly motivated to acquire sufficient education and research skills to become educators, researchers, and advanced practitioners in nursing
  • Those having a high level of autonomy and a desire to continue their learning, carry out research, and explore practice



Reproductive Health Nursing

Research activities are focused on the development of health education, nursing and support for reproductive health issues faced by adolescent, mature, menopausal and older women and their families.

Our research focuses include: strengthening structures to support mothers and their newborns, and exploring nursing and support methods to improve the QOL of women in all stages of their life-cycles.

Child and Family Health Care Nursing

The focus of study is on health issues and problems that occur in children, as well as the health problems and issues experienced by children with chronic disease or disability and their families. Health problems from birth to puberty are studied in order to investigate nursing approaches to deal with these problems and issues.

Critical Care Nursing

Employing physiological, sociological and psychological approaches, the study aims to deal with the nursing issues of patients and families in critical care situations due to acute disease, trauma or invasive treatment. In order to respond to the growing demand for professionals with critical care experience in a wide range of medical fields, we launched a training program for certified nurse specialists (CNS) in 2007.

Gerontological Nursing

Gerontological Nursing involves the treatment of complex physiological, social and psychological issues. Students are asked to conceptualize the health and social situations and problems faced by elderly people and their families in order to develop multi-disciplinary approaches to aging and the nursing and care of elderly people.

Nursing Administration and Management

under construction

Infection Control and Prevention

Students explore nursing related infection control and prevention, which deals with infection control from the individual to group level. In particular, we are focused on the themes of nosocomial and home infection control care. Research is conducted using clinical microbiological and epidemiological techniques.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

This course covers the skills needed for mental health nursing, including: psychiatric nursing care, psychiatric nursing care management, and clinical interventions to foster independence and social participation for people with mental-illness. Furthermore, we are also concerned with the theoretical basis of nursing care including mental health and developmental disorders and developmental clinical psychology.

Community Health Nursing

We are concerned with the theories and practices related to public health and community health nursing. In particular, we are interested in health care for individuals, families and groups in the community as well as the social factors related to health and illness. While respecting the view points and sense of values of that community approaches bring, we aim to research the theories and practices related to community health assessment, health promotion and disease prevention and treatment at the community level.

Global and Community Health

The Department of Global and Community Health, Nagoya City University School of Nursing consists of two faculty members and four master course students (as of February 1, 2016) with diverse experiences. (We are now preparing for accepting doctoral students.) We strive to keep multidisciplinary environment and to think together about social aspects of people's health. Research focuses include sexuality related health issues in Japan and the Asian region, HIV and STI laboratory testing methods, epidemiology, prevention and care.


We offer two courses. One is for certified nurses who wish to become midwives. Undertaking a two-year study leads to a master's degrees and qualification to sit the national examination for board certified midwives. The other course named "advanced course" is an upskilling program for certified midwives