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Objectives of Human Training

Nagoya City University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. In the Department of Pharmacy, our aim is to have students learn the medical sciences related to medicines and medications comprehensively and to train pharmacists and other persons who can contribute as experts in drugs to various medical fields.

  2. In the Department of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, our aim is to have students acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills on materials and life that are necessary for drug discovery, and to train researchers in the development of medicines and persons who can contribute to the development of life sciences and medical treatment based on their expertise.

  3. We endeavor to present the results of our world-class, high quality education and the research that is the product of the training mentioned above, and thereby to contribute to cultural development.

Nagoya City University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. Our aim is to train researchers and engineers who can acquire a broad range of knowledge and expertise in the field of pharmacy and who have the outstanding creative skills needed for innovative research in the pharmaceutical and life sciences, the sciences of drug discovery, environmental sanitary pharmacy and medical pharmacy.

  2. We also aspire to train students who have broad vision, expertise and high ethical standards and who have exceptional leadership abilities for important roles in administrative authorities and medical practice.

  3. In the master's program, our main goal is to have students acquire the problem-solving skills needed to approach research projects and train them to possess the appropriate knowledge and skills.

  4. In the doctorate program, we aim to have students acquire the skills to find research projects, in addition to problem-solving skills, during the courses where they show the results of their most-advanced research and present the results in their scientific papers. We can thereby train them as individuals who can take the sophisticated initiatives expected of them in their international activities.

  5. We endeavor to present the results of our world-class, high quality education and the research that is the product of the training mentioned above, and thereby to contribute to cultural development.