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Home >  Department >  Affiliate Graduate School

Affiliate Graduate School

Oncology Masahiro Aoki, M.D., Professor (Division of Pathophysiology, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute)

Chitose Oneyama, Ph.D., Professor (Division of Cancer Cell Regulation, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute)

Teruaki Fujishita, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Division of Pathophysiology, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute)
Experimental Gerontology Koichi Iijima, Ph. D., Professor (Department of Alzheimer's Disease Research, Center for Development of Advanced Medicine for Dementia)

Nobuyuki Kimura, D.V.M., Ph. D., Associate Professor (Department of Alzheimer's Disease Research, Center for Development of Advanced Medicine for Dementia)
Pharmaceutical Quality Science Ken-ichi Izutsu, Ph.D., Professor (Division of Cell-Based Therapeutic Products, National Institute of Health Sciences)

Satoshi Yasuda, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Division of Cell-Based Therapeutic Products, National Institute of Health Sciences)
Integrative Science for Dynamic Living Systems Kazuhiro Aoki, Ph.D., Professor (Quantitative Biology Group, National Institutes of Natural Sciences)

Hisashi Okumura, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Biomolecular Dynamics Simulation Group, National Institutes of Natural Sciences)
Regulatory Science for Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Tomoko Ohsawa, Ph.D., Professor (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency)